Sunday, February 28, 2010


Just returned home and have had time to reflect on David Cameron's speech this afternoon.
Yet again David managed to produce a full speech without need for notes.
For anyone watching this flawless speech at home then make no mistake that the atmosphere in the hall was electric.
The Conservative Party is ready for the fight ahead, and David Cameron is the right person to lead us to victory not just for party but for the whole of the country.

He spoke as to how the Conservatives have changed under his leadership - and that there is no going back!
He said that the fight ahead will not be easy but that it is the patriotic duty of the Conservatives to win for Britain!

When I contrast this articulate performance from our leader with the shambolic failings of Gordon Brown then I have great optimism for Britain - because with David Cameron as Prime Minister we will have a leader who will go out and sell for Britain, and win for Britain!

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