Sunday, April 25, 2010


David Cameron and Michael Gove have reaffirmed the Conservatives' commitment to create a new generation of state schools with small class sizes and strong discipline.

They were speaking at a rally held by a group of parents in Yorkshire.

Cameron spoke to them about their shared ideas of what makes a good school.

"It’s a smaller school where the head teacher knows your child’s name. It’s a school where there are good standards of discipline, a school where they teach the basics so we open children’s minds to all the best things that have been written and said".

"It’s a school where there’s really high aspiration, we don’t accept second best we say that everyone can go all the way. It’s a school where we have common sense and we recognise that you’ve got to stretch the brightest pupils, you’ve got to help those falling behind. We all know what a good school looks like and it’s that good school that you want."

He promised that a Conservative government "will help make your dreams come true; a new school, a good school, a school that’s there for your community because you’re prepared to put your effort in to it and your Government should get behind you and help you rather than stand in your way".

I have continually said that a good education is the basis of Conservative policy, and is essential in providing the adults of the future with the skill sets they will need in today's world. I welcome these proposals.

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