Friday, July 17, 2009


A permanent travellers’ site at the former BMX track in Sheepcote Valley - is this appropriate?

Members of the city council's cabinet will meet to discuss a permanent traveller site on the BMX track in Sheepcote Valley at a specially convened meeting on Thursday July 31st at 10.30am in Hove Town Hall.

Simon Kirby hopes that other sites, elsewhere in the City will also be considered and consulted upon.

Sheepcote Valley is against the council’s own policies and guidelines: travellers should not be accommodated on or near former waste sites, nor should sites be established on or near sites that have scientific or natural designation. Sheepcote Valley is both a landfill site with large amounts of methane underground, and is designated both a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) and an Area of Important Landscape and Environmental Value.

Only recently a nearby site was fenced off by the city council due to the very high levels of methane.

The council’s own policies also state that travellers’ sites must be on land that could be considered for housing development.

Surely land east of Wilson Avenue including Sheepcote Valley is not suitable as an area for large scale house development.

The Labour Government requires the Council to identify a permanent site for travellers. However, we must consider all the opinions and consult with local residents before coming to a final conclusion.

"I am very worried that we haven't seen proper consultation, especially with local residents and groups who use Sheepcote Valley. Is this the most appropriate location and could we ignore the Labour Government's requirements?"

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