Thursday, December 31, 2009


2010 is election year. The change that I have fought for in both Brighton Kemptown and our Country is within our grasp in just a few short months.
The election will be all about character – who has the right character to lead our Country, and who has the right character to serve our Country?

I believe the answer to both questions is David Cameron. In his New Year message David Cameron says:

“Let us bring real change to Westminster and the whole political system. A big part of that is about policy: policies to reform expenses and the way Parliament works; policies to redistribute power from the political elite to the man and woman in the street; policies to make government more transparent and accountable.
But it's not all about policy. It's also about character, attitude and approach. It's about how political leaders actually behave, the example they set and the lead they give. It's about doing as well as talking - real social action in our communities, not just pontificating from an ivory tower. And my resolution this New Year is to work harder for a new politics in this country.”

I agree! In the past 3 years I have campaigned throughout the Kemptown constituency to promote the message of positive change. Britain cannot afford another 5 years of Labour – another 5 years of Gordon Brown. The country is crying out for change in order to re-build our broken economy, and re-build our broken society.
We need to break free from the Labour years of spin, of massive public debt, of accepting second best. A new Conservative government will be honest with the country about the problems we face – will be honest about what we can and cannot afford as we seek to bring down debt, and above all will be fair.

The future is not all gloom! Our country is great and our people are inventive and industrious. Together a government which honestly engages, and harnesses the power of our people, can solve our current problems.

The people of Brighton Kemptown are generous, hard working, and thrive on living in our beautiful constituency by the sea. Many people tell me they have had enough of politics which seems to ignore the views of ordinary people, and politicians who seek only to further their own interest!

2010 is the year when change can come, and we start to rebuild.


1 comment:

  1. Simon - you deserve to be elected, as does David Cameron. The country is desperate for a change in direction.
    You have campaigned tirelessly over the last few years, and are already well known in the constituency.
    2010 will be your year!
